First week of our second production sprint

A lot has changed since our last devlog, some smaller features have been added/tweaked and a few bigger updates introduced some new mechanics. Let’s get to it and show what we’ve been doing all this time.

Since the last sprint, we’ve introduced two more level mechanics, namely the salt mechanic and the hood mechanic. You can see both of them in action in the cooking stage. The hood mechanic sucks the players as well as the steam into the hood, that kills the player. Once you are being sucked up the only way to get out is to groundpound to an underlaying cloud of steam.

While this all happens you also have to make sure no salt (placeholder cylinders) is thrown your way since you take damage while you are being thrown under with salt.


After some unforeseen problems with our main menu, it is now almost fully functional and implemented into the game. Here you and your friends race to get the character of their choosing, find controller mapping info,  tweak some options and exit the game.

Next to our main menu we’ve also implemented our hud, which currently holds our character’s avatar with their current damage and a player number. We also show the players combo streak if there is one atm.


Of course our artists haven’t been sleeping the last couple of weeks and made a lot of art and animations as well.

Character models with updated eyes!

New models (Counter, hood, cup, steam clouds)

Spawn particle spritesheet animation

More models

Current victory screen (will still be reworked)


One of our programmers also has been working on background music as well as sound effects. While these are not implemented yet, we still find this worth mentioning.


  • fixed bug where player wouldn't be registered as grounded, while he was.
  • fixed bug where player sometimes couldn't groundpound while double jumping.
  • changed cooking scene to be positioned like in the final level.

Next week

We're planning on adding UI signals to warn players for certain level events. We're also planning on adding one more mechanic to our cutting stage and implementing sound would also be nice. Next to that there is still some modeling work left and some other tasks as well. All in all we're very happy with what we've done in this busy period.

Files 54 MB
Apr 19, 2018

Get [Group 19]Food Fighters

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